
Calculus I

Career Development banner
Course Code: MTH 110
Course Title: Calculus I
Credit Hours: 3
Contact Hours/Week: 1:30 hour/ 2days a week
Prerequisites: None

Course Description

Calculus is an exciting subject, justly considered to be one of the greatest achievements of the human intellect. Today calculus is used not just in the physical sciences, but also in engineering, business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences—any discipline that seeks to understand dynamic phenomena. Part of the aim of this course is to train the student to think logically. Learn to write the solutions of the exercises in a connected, step-by-step fashion with explanatory sentences—not just a string of disconnected equations or formulas. This course is intended to introduce derivatives, one of the two key concepts of calculus. The second is integral. Both key concepts depend on the notion of limit.

Learning Outcomes

  • 1. Calculate limits involving all basic functions: polynomial, fractions, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic.
  • 2. Calculate derivatives of first and higher orders using rules for products, quotients, chain rule, rules for powers, and trigonometric functions.
  • 3. Calculate derivatives of functions defined implicitly.
  • 4. Use derivatives to solve optimization and rates of change problems
  • 5. Recognize and apply various integral formulas to find anti-derivatives for use in both definite and indefinite integral situations.
  • 6. Modeling and solving real-world problems through application examples and exercises chosen from engineering, natural, and social sciences.

Weightage %

Weight of Various Assessment Elements & Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes to Program Learning Outcomes:

Task  Weight in % CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 CLO 5 CLO 6
PLO 2 PLO 2 PLO 2 PLO 2 PLO 2 PLO 2, 9
Quizzes 15%   X X   X  
Midterm exam 30% X X X      
Group work 20%       X    
Final exam 35%       X X X

Weekly Schedule

(Lectures, Labs, Presentations, Exams, and Out-of-class Assignments):

Week # Topics CLO(s) Activities

Exponential, logarithmic, hyperbolic

and fraction functions


Interactive teaching


3-4 Limits and continuity 1 https://www.wolframalpha.com/
5 Derivatives and their interpretation 2


Quiz 1

Quiz 1
6 Derivatives and their interpretation 2  
7 Differential calculus 3


Quiz 2

Quiz 2
8 Extreme values and curve sketching 3,4


Group Work

Group Work 4
9 Midterm Revision 1,2,3 Midterm Exam
Midterm Exam
10 Extreme values and curve sketching 3,4 https://www.wolframalpha.com/
11-12 Applications of differentiation to optimization, and modeling with related rates 4,6

Interactive teaching

Socratic questions

13-14 Integrals 5


Quiz 3

Quiz 3
15 Applications of Integration 5,6 Socratic questions
16 Final exam 4,5,6 Final exam

Out-of-class Project


Teaching Methods

Interactive teaching, class discussion, demonstration of topics, visuals, illustrations, examples, Socratic questions, problem-solving, and exam review performed in class.

Educational Resources

Educational Resource Description
Thomas’ Calculus Joel Hass; Christopher Heil; Maurice Weir, 15th : Pearson. ISBN : 9781292727936, 2023.
Other References

Anton H, Bivens I., and Davis S. (2015) Calculus (Early Transcendentals), 8th Edition, Brooks Cole.

Stewart J., (2012) Calculus, 7th Edition, Brooks Cole.

Other Resources

Internet and World Wide Web Site


§  https://www.desmos.com/


§  https://www.wolframalpha.com/

Course Policies

Class Attendance:
Students are expected to attend all classes of this course (without exception). Prior approval is required for the class absence except for emergencies. However, any student with 30% short attendance will be forced to withdraw from the course, and the student will receive EW in his/her transcript for this course.

Do not come late to class. Any student coming late will not be allowed to attend the class, and he/she will be marked absent.

Failure to attend a course exam will result in zero marks unless the student provides an excuse acceptable to the Dean, who approves a re-sit exam. Failed courses will normally be reassessed in the scheduled semester. It is your responsibility to attend the exam at the correct time and place. Your results will be printed in a transcript, which includes all your assessments. You should check the accuracy of your transcript. If there is an error in your transcript, you have to notify the instructor.

Assignments & Projects:
Assignments and projects should be handed over to the instructor on the due date. A zero mark will follow the late submission of an assignment unless the student has an acceptable reason approved by the instructor.

Exam Attendance/Punctuality:

  • In the event that a student is up to ten minutes late, he/she will be permitted to attend/sit the exam. However, there will not be any extra time allowances made in favor of this student.
  • In the event that a student is more than 10 minutes late, he/she will not be permitted to attend/sit the exam.

Re-sit Exams:
The student will not be allowed to re-sit an exam unless he/she furnishes the institute with written evidence as follows:

  • Sickness by providing a medical report stamped by the Ministry of Health.
  • Death of a member of his/her family.
  • Accidents (e.g., car accidents).
  • Natural causes such as heavy storms.

Definition of cheating: Cheating is an attempt to gain marks dishonestly and includes:

  • Copying from another student’s work.
  • Using materials not authorized by the institute.
  • Collaborating with another student during a test without permission.
  • Knowingly using, buying, selling, or stealing the contents of a test.
  • Plagiarism means presenting another person’s work or ideas as one’s own without attribution.

Penalty of Cheating:
The minimum penalty for cheating is an automatic Zero for the test or assignment leading to a possible “F” for the subject. The student will be expelled from the examination room so that he/she doesn’t disturb other students. The exam invigilator will produce a report on the case. The report will be kept in the student file. A second offense will result in the immediate suspension of the student for the remainder of the current semester. A copy of the decision will be kept in the student file, while another one will be passed to the Dean.

In addition to the hard copy, students may be required to submit written assignments/reports in soft copy through the Turnitin system available online at the Learning Management System (Moodle) to check the “Similarity Index.” The penalties for minor and major violations are indicated below.

Offence Penalty
Minor offence (First time) The student will receive a written academic warning, and the case will be recorded in the academic violations tracking system.
Minor offence (Repeated) The student will receive zero and the case will be recorded in the academic violations tracking system.
Major offence (First time) The student will receive an F grade in the course and a written academic warning, and the case will be recorded in the academic violations tracking system.

Major offence (Repeated)


The student will receive an F grade in the course and will be suspended for one semester, and the case will be recorded in the academic violations tracking system.

All types of electronic communication aids and devices are not allowed in classes.

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