Abdallah, A., Kharbat, F., AbuDaabes, A., & Woolsey, M. L. (2023). Technology-based Learning and the Digital Divide for Deaf/Hearing Students During Covid-19: Academic Justice Lens in Higher Education. Educational Technology &Society, 26(4), 136-149. https://doi.org/10.30191/ETS.202310_26(4).0010 Hijazi, R., Abu Daabes, A. and Al-Ajlouni, M.I. (2023), "Mobile payment service quality: a new approach for continuance intention", International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJQRM-05-2022-0151 Abu Daabes, A., Gharbi, I., Al-Kilani M., and Saber W., "Always-on!! A Quantitative Assessment of Higher Education Institutions' Activities on Facebook," 2022 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ACIT57182.2022.9994145.
Gharbi, I., Al-Kilani, M.H., AbuDaabes, A.S., Ismail, W.S. (2023). Facebook Posts for Academic and Non-academic Events: Higher Education Institutions in Abu Dhabi. In: The Implementation of Smart Technologies for Business Success and Sustainability. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, vol 216. (pp. 441-449) Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-10212-7_37 Abu Daabes, A., & Ananzeh, M. (2022). Proposing a pharmaceutical brand naming framework based on techniques extracted from decoding current drug names. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S5), 3200–3224. https://doi.org/10.53730/ijhs.v6nS5.9341 Abu Daabes, A. Ismail W., Al-Kilani M.and Gharbi I., "Abu Dhabi Universities Response to COVID-19 via Facebook Posts," 2021 22nd International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), Muscat, Oman, 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ACIT53391.2021.9677243.
Kharbat, F., & Abu Daabes, A. (2021). E-proctored exams during the COVID-19 pandemic: A close understanding. Education and Information Technologies, 26(6), 6589-6605. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10458-7 Kharbat, F. & Abu Daabes, A., 2019, December. Privacy Paradoxes in the Middle East: A Content Analysis from Instagram. In 2019 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT) (pp. 287-288). IEEE. Doi: 10.1109/ACIT47987.2019.8991070.
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Abu Daabes, A. & Kharbat, F. (2019), "A content analysis of Arabic YouTube videos for cancer treatment", International Journal of Health Governance, Vol. 24, No.4-https://doi.org/10.1108/IJHG-05-2019-0035 Abu Daabes, A. et al, (2019). The Impact of social media on activating direct marketing among business organizations: Case study from UAE. MIRDEC-12th, International Academic Conference Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Studies on Social Sciences. April 02-04 2019, Rome, Italy. ISBN: 978-605-81247-7-6
Abu Daabes, A., (2018). Cancer Treatment Using Herbals in Arabic Social Media: Content Analysis of YouTube Videos. 1st International Conference on Cancer Care Informatics (CCI 2018). November 19-21, 2018 at Jordan. doi: 10.1109/CANCERCARE.2018.8618247.
Ajayeb Abu Daabes, (2018) "Islamic marketing paradoxes: a way to understand it again …", Journal of Islamic Marketing, Vol. 9 Issue: 2, pp.329-337. . https://doi.org/10.1108/JIMA-12-2016-0106 Girard, J., Kharbat, F., & Abu Daabes, A., (2017) Big Data Trends: An Exploratory Analysis of Big Data Interest over Time, in AFU international conference “Toward Advanced Scientific Knowledge (TASK-2017)” in Business Sciences, Duabi, UAE.
Ananzeh, M., Abu Daabes, A., (2017) “Building Pharmaceutical Brand Names in Jordan”. AFU international conference “Toward Advanced Scientific Knowledge (TASK-2017)” in Business Sciences. 3-4 May at AlFalah University, Dubai, U.A.E .
Abu Daabes, A., & Kharbat, F., (2017) Customer-Based Perceptual Map as A Marketing Intelligence Source, International Journal of Economics and Business Research. Vol.13, Issue 4. pp.360-379. DOI: 10.1504/IJEBR.2017.084381
Abu Daabes,A., Abdulla, A., (2016) AIDA Marketing Communication Model: Vehicles running on Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) in the Mind of UAE Customers. International Journal of Marketing and Technology. Volume 6, Issue 9. pp.117-127. ISSN: 2249-1058
Abu Daabes, A., (2016) 'Theoretical Framework for Islamic Marketing”. Eurasia Business and Economics Society; 18 (EBES) Conference. January 8-10, 2016 at School of Business Administration, American University of Sharjah (AUS), U.A.E.