Dr. Faiza Zitouni is an accomplished leader with a track record of over 25 years of experience in both the academic and industrial sectors. She has held various senior roles, including Industrial Senior Research Leader, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and Development, Dean of Student Affairs, Acting Dean of Admissions & Registration and has significant contribution and professional impacts nationally and internationally.
Dr Faiza Achieved the highest prestigious certificate of recognition from Advance- HE, she is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA). This global recognition is a testimony of her exceptional work in enhancing teaching and supporting learning in Higher Education.
Dr Faiza taught various management and engineering programs in various institutions in the UK and Mena. She also has senior industrial experience in the UK, leading various product and process development.
Dr. Faiza Zitouni earned her PhD from Loughborough University (UK) at the Institute of Polymers and Materials Engineering, her groundbreaking research won her the prestigious Reynolds Prize. Throughout her career progression, Dr Faiza Zitouni has been committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion and always strives towards quality, innovation and excellence.