Associate Professor

Dr. Haitham Alali

Dr. Haitham Alali, PhD
600 500606
Liwa College, Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Otaiba Street (Al Najda Street previously), Al Danah, Baniyas Tower B, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Professional Summary

Dr. Haitham Alali, PhD

Dr. Haitham Alali is an Associate Professor in the health information management program in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences and has more than 13 years of experience in higher education, clinical, research, and administration. Alali worked in the Ministry of Health for more than 10 years in the Department of Health as a manager and health technician. Prior to joining LC, he was an associate professor in the Department of Management Information Systems/Health Information Systems. During his career, he has held various positions including Head of the Department of Health Management, Chair and member of numerous committees at all academic levels, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Economics for Quality Assurance, and Associate Head of the Department of Measurement and Evaluation at Amman Arab College/Jordan.
Haitham Alali holds a PhD in Systems Science and Management from National University of Malaysia (UKM)/Malaysia (QS Global World Ranking = 159). He was a research assistant and received the “Zamalah UKM” research scholarship from UKM College for his research contributions. He has been awarded the best paper award in many international conferences and has many years of experience in supervising Master and PhD students. Dr. Haitham has received internal and external funding for his research projects.


  • Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Systems Science and Management (Health services Management/ Health Information Systems) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Jan 2014. Thesis Title: A MODEL FOR THE SUCCESS AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE “VIRTUAL COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE” IN HEALTHCARE SECTOR
  • Master Degree in Management Information System from the Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Faculty of Information Systems and Technology (July 2007), 83.3%.
  • Bachelor Degree in Health Administration from RedSea University / Economic and Administration Sciences Faculty, (November 2003), 76.3%
  • Diploma Degree in Nursing, four years Diploma, Registered Nurse (RN) from Rufidah College/ Ministry of Health- Jordan, graduated in 1999.


  • Al-Hussain G, Shuweihdi F, Alali Haitham, Househ M, Abd-alrazaq A, (2022). The Effectiveness of Supervised Machine Learning in Screening and Diagnosing Voice Disorders: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, J Med Internet Res 2022;24(10):e38472, doi: 10.2196/38472, PMID: 36239999 (ISI/ Q1; Scopus Q1)
  • Abd-Alrazaq A, Ahmed A, Alali Haitham, Aldardour AM, Househ M. (2022). The Effectiveness of Serious Games on Cognitive Processing Speed Among Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JMIR Serious Games. 2022 Sep 9;10(3). doi: 10.2196/36754. (ISI/ Q2; Scopus Q1
  • Alali, A.M., Abu Al Rejal, H.M., Abu, N.H.B., Alali, H. (2022). The impact of supply chain preparedness on healthcare service quality: A literature review. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 1425-1430. https://doi.org/10.18280/ijsdp.170506 (Q3 Scopus)
  • Alshammare, G., Abd Halim, M., Alali, H., & Alsheikh, G. (2022). The Interplay Between Main Critical Success Factors And Customer Loyalty: A Concept Not Fully Explored. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 462-472.
  • Alali, H. (2020), eFAWATEER.com As an Electronic Bill Payment Service: The Case of Jordan. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology. 10(4), 1430-1435 DOI:10.18517/ijaseit.10.4.12028 (Q2 Scopus)
  • Zaid Alabaddi, Arwa Rahahleh, Haitham Alali, Khaled Abdrabbo (2020), The relative importance of the critical success factors of business intelligence(BI) systems implementation in Jordanian pharmaceutical companies. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 98(12), 2132-2147
  • Alali, H., Wishah, R., & Al-Weshah, G. (June, 2019). The Demarketing of Energy Drinks Using Facebook Media: A Healthcare Perspective. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(3), 835-840 DOI:10.18517/ijaseit.9.3.8988. (Q2 Scopus)
  • Haitham Alali, MI Nofal, and Malek Alharafsheh (2019), Business Intelligence Implementation Success Framework: A Literature Review. European Journal of Business and Management. Vol 11, No 6 (EBSCO)
  • Zaid Alabaddi, Haitham Alali, Arwa Rahahleh, Khaled Abdrabbo (2019), The Relative Importance of the Critical Success Factors of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Page 10 of 12 Systems in Jordanian Pharmaceutical Companies. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14: 6465-6473 (Scopus)
  • Malek Alharafsheh, Haitham M. Alali, MI Nofal and Zaid Alabaddi, 2019. Libraries eService Quality by Education Level: Evidence and Issues. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14(17), 6474-6477. (Scopus)
  • Nimer Alslihat, Ala Jaber Matarneh, Usama Abdul Moneim, Haitham Alali, Nahed AlRawashdeh, (2018). The Impact of Internal Control System Components of the COSO Model in Reducing the Risk of Cloud Computing: The Case of Public Shareholding Companies. Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola V33, No 4, (188- 20
  • Shireen Al-Ali, Haitham Alali, Nimer Alslihat, Nahed Alrawashdeh, Mazen Al–Omari, Zeyad Almatarneh, (2017) The Impact of Financial Information Systems on the Quality of Financial Statements: The Case of Jordanian Commercial Banks, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, v15 (25), 501 (indexed in Scopus)
  • Raed Al-Wishah, Haitham Alali. (2017) Health Information Privacy and Security Framework: Supporting Electronic Medical Records in Healthcare Systems, International Journal of Innovation & Business Strategy, Vol 8, No 2 (UTM University)
  • Nimer Alslihat, Nahed Alrawashdeh, Shereen Al-Ali, Mazen Al – Omari, Ala’a Gazzaz and Haitham Alali (2017) Accounting Disclosure of Both Financial and Non-financial Information in the Light of International Accounting Standards, International Journal of Economic Research v14 (12), 105 (indexed in Scopus)
  • Alali, H. (2016). Virtual Communities of Practice Success in Healthcare Sector: A Comparative Review Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare (pp. 141-153): Springer International Publishing
  • Alali, H. (2016). Online Healthcare Communities of Practice: Identifying the Critical Success Factors. International Journal of Computers in Clinical Practice (IJCCP), 1(1), 1-14.
  • Alali, H., Wishah R., Alali Sh., Al-Sukkar A., Abu-Hussien A. (2016), E-Marketplace Legal and Regulatory Framework in Jordan: A General View. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 85(2), (221-227). (Indexed by SCOPUS)
  • Alali, H., & Salim, J. (2016). Virtual health communities of practice success factors: towards taxonomy and a framework. International Journal of Web Based Communities, 12(2), 180-194. ( Indexed by Elsevier, ACM, SCOPUS, and ABDC rating B
  • Alali, H.; M. Alweshah and Wishah R. (2014). "Hospital Information Systems Success: Towards an Evaluation Framework." Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 8(9), Pp: 45-51 (Indexed by SCOPUS and ISI)
  • Alkhaldi A, Taamneh I, Alali H, Alhalhouli Z (2014) an examination of the role of social influence in Saudi Arabia: A structural equation modeling of an extended technology acceptance model. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering 4 (12):100
  • Alali, H. and Juhana, S. 2013. Virtual Communities of Practice: The role of content quality and technical features to increase Health Care Professionals’ Satisfaction. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 54(269-275): (Indexed by SCOPUS)
  • Alali, H. and Juhana, S. 2013. Virtual Communities of Practice Success in Healthcare Sector. Applied Mechanics and Materials 411(950-953). (Indexed by EI Compendex and SCOPUS)
  • Alali, H. and Juhana, S. 2013. Virtual Communities of Practice Success Model to Support Knowledge Sharing Behaviour in Healthcare Sector. Procedia Technology 485-489. (Indexed by Elsevier)
  • Ashraf Alali, Hussein Abu Al Rejal, Noor Hidaya Binti Abu and Haitham Alali. (2023) An investigation of the Healthcare Supply Chain Preparedness: A Literature Review. 1st International Conference on Logistics (ICL 2023) at the University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 11-13 September 2023. IEEE Xplore (Accepted)
  • Alali H. (2017). Using Social Media to Improve Knowledge Sharing among Healthcare Practitioners, Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science International Conference (AMMCS2017,) August 20-25, 2017, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada a. This article has been published as a book chapter in "Recent Advances in Mathematical and Statistical Methods", Springer (2018), 411-418.
  • Alali H. (2017). Online Healthcare Communities of Practice Evaluation Framework, the Second International Conference on Business “Organizational Adaptation in volatile environment 15-16 April 2017”. Amman-Jordan ISSN: 2414-7761.
  • Jebriel SM, Alali H, Abuzaraida MA Investigating the usability of using Doodles Scan System (DSS): The case of Misurata. In: Service Operations And Logistics, And Informatics (SOLI), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, 2015. IEEE, pp 186-191
  • Alali, H. and Juhana, S. 2013. Virtual Communities of Practice Success in Healthcare Sector. International Conference on Information Technology and Management Innovation (ICITMI2013). Zhuhai,China 23-24 July 2013 (Indexed by EI Compendex and Thomson ISTP)
  • Alali, H. and Juhana, S. 2013. Virtual Communities of Practice Success Model to Support Knowledge Sharing Behaviour in Healthcare Sector. The 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics ( ICEEI 2013).163 – 171., Bangi, Malaysia. 24 - 25 June 2013
  • Alali, H. and Juhana, S. 2010. Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of “Virtual Communities of Practice” Success in Health Care Services at Rural Areas. National Conference On Rural ICT Development (RICTD 2010). Kedah, Malaysia. 23rd - 25th November 2010
  • Alali, H. and Juhana, S. 2011. Conceptual Model of “Virtual Communities of Practice” Success in Health Care: A Literature Review. The Research Center for Software Technology and Management Postgraduate Seminar (SOFTAM’2011), 15th December 2011. hlm. 1-10. Bangi, Malaysia
  • Alali, H. and Juhana, S. 2011. Information system success and acceptance theories: Towards developing a “virtual communities of practice” success model. International Conference on Semantic Technology and Information Retrieval (STAIR' 2011) Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 28th to 29th June 2011.(Indexed by IEEE).
  • Alali, H. “The Impact of Nursing Community of Practices (NCOPs) on Knowledge Sharing: an Empirical Study on Al Hussein/ Al Salt Hospital” Al-Balqa First Nursing conference” 5-6th October 2009, Al-Salt, Jordan.
  • H Alali, (2017) Virtual Communities of Practice Success in Healthcare Sector: A Comparative Review. Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare, 141- 153 (Springer book chapter)
  • Alali, H., Salim, J., Zwayda, Y., & Alsewi, S. M. (2016). Knowledge Sharing Success Model of Virtual Communities of Practice in Healthcare Sector. In I. Lee (Ed.), Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management (pp. 272- 284). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • Alali, H., & Salim, J. (2014). Success Dimensions of the Online Healthcare Communities of Practice: Towards an Evaluation Framework. Social Media and Mobile Technologies for Healthcare, 16.IGI Global

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