Assistant Professor

Dr. Kadhim Al Amara, PhD

600 500606
Liwa College, Saeed Bin Ahmed Al Otaiba Street (Al Najda Street previously), Al Danah, Baniyas Tower B, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Professional Summary

Dr. Kadhim Al Amara, PhD

Dr. Kadhim Alamara is an assistant professor in the department of mechanical and industrial engineering, where he has vast expertise spanning over two decades of teaching and research. Dr. Alamara is extensively recognized in the field of thermal spray coating and surface technologies, additive manufacturing, and sustainable energy. Dr. Alamara is positioned to deliver new teaching techniques, forward-thinking research projects, and dynamic leadership because of his solid foundation in academia.

Short Bio

Dr. Alamara has held a variety of teaching and research positions at prestigious institutions on a national level, such as the University of Sharjah (UOS) and the American University of Ras Al Khaimah (AURAK), teaching variety of courses in Mechanical and Industrial Departments as well as in international level, such as at the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia, where he earned his Ph.D. and specialized in the field of thermal spray of surface and coating technologies. His knowledge extends to a wide variety of fields, including material science and manufacturing engineering, CAD/CAM and rapid prototyping as well as economic and statistical analysis. He contributed to establishing a full program and course syllabus at Master of Material Science Program. His extensive portfolio of papers, many of which have been included in respected journals with high impact factors, as well as his active involvement in esteemed international conferences. Dr. Alamara is a lecture and trainer for Professional Diploma in Preparing Occupational Health and Safety Trainers held at the Centre for Continuing Education and Professional Development, University of Sharjah, UAE for many years.

Core Qualifications

  • Materials science and manufacturing Engineering
  • Thermal spray coating technologies and surface Engineering
  • Additive manufacturing, CAD/CAM, rapid prototype, and 3D printing
  • Characteristics, microstructure and properties of coatings and materials
  • Safety engineering, human factor, and ergonomics
  • Curriculum Design and Facilities Planning for Faculty of Engineering


  • Swinburne University of Technology, VIC, Australia, 2012
    Doctor of Philosophy - Mechanical Engineering
  • Swinburne University of Technology, VIC, Australia, 2007
    Master of Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (Honours)
  • Swinburne University of Technology, VIC, Australia, 2000
    Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering


  • Roz-Ud-Din Nassar, Danish Saeed, Tewodros Ghebrab, Shah Room, Ahmed Deifalla & Kadhim Al Amara (2024) Heat of hydration, water sorption and microstructural characteristics of paste and mortar mixtures produced with owder waste glass. Cogent Engineering, 11:1, 2297466, DOI: 10.1080/23311916.2023.2297466.
  • Tirumala Uday Kumar Nutakki, Kummara Venkata Guru Raghavendra, and Kadhim Alamara (2024). Synthesis and Characterization of Mineral Based X-Ray Radiation Shielding Tile. In Advanced Radiation Shielding Materials - Radiation and Radiological Protection. Elsevier. Ch. 6, pp. 137-154.
  • Tirumala Uday Kumar Nutakki, Waqar Ullah Kazim, Kadhim Alamara, Tareq Salameh, Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem, “Experimental investigation on aging and energy savings evaluation of high solar reflective index (SRI) paints: A case study on residential households in the GCC region”; Buildings 13, no. 2 (2023): 419.
  • Tareq Salamah, Ahmad Ramahi, Kadhim Alamara, Adel Juaidi, Ramez Abdallah, ‎Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem, El-Cheikh Amer, Abdul Ghani Olabi, “Effect of dust and ‎methods of cleaning on the performance of solar PV module for different climate ‎regions: Comprehensive review”; Science of The Total Environment, Volume ‎‎827, (2022), 154050‎
  • Fayez Moutassem & Kadhim Alamara, “Design and production of sustainable ‎lightweight concrete precast sandwich panels for non-load bearing partition walls”; ‎Cogent Engineering (2021), 8: 1993565‎
  • Chaouki Ghenai, Kadhim Alamara, Abrar Inayat; “Solar Assisted Pyrolysis of Plastic ‎Waste: Pyrolysis oil Characterization and Grid-Tied Solar PV Power System Design”; ‎Energy Procedia; 159 (2019) 123–129.‎
  • Mahdi Zolghadri, Saeed Saber-Samandari, Sara Ahmadi, Kadhim Alamara; Synthesis and ‎characterization of porous cytococompatible scaffolds from polyvinyl alcohol-chitosan, ‎Bulletin of Materials Science, (2019), 42(1):35.‎
  • S. Saber-Samandari, S. Baradaran, B. Nasiri-Tabrizi, K. Alamara and W.J. Basirun, ‎Microstructural evolution and micromechanical properties of thermally sprayed ‎hydroxyapatite coating, Advances In Applied Ceramics, 117 [8], (2018), 452-460.‎
  • Saeed Saber-Samandari, Saeid Baradaran, Bahman Nasiri-Tabrizi, Kadhim Alamara, ‎Wan Jeffrey Basirun, Severe sink-in occurrence in thermally sprayed hydroxyapatite ‎coating, journal of Processing and Application of Ceramics, 12 [2], (2018) 189–197.‎
  • Saeed Saber-Samandari, Hamed Yekta, Sara Ahmadi, Kadhim Alamara, The role of ‎titanium dioxide on the morphology, microstructure, and bioactivity of grafted ‎cellulose/hydroxyapatite nanocomposites for a potential application in bone repair, ‎International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 106, (2018) 481-488.‎
  • Azam Hajinasab, Saeed Saber-Samandari, Sara Ahmadi, Kadhim Alamara, Preparation ‎and characterization of a biocompatible magnetic scaffold for biomedical engineering, ‎Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, 204, (2017), 378-387.‎
  • Saeed Saber-Samandari, Kadhim Alamara, Samaneh Saber-Samandari, Calcium ‎phosphate coatings: morphology, micro-structure and mechanical properties, Journal of ‎Ceramics International, 40, (2014), 563–572.‎
  • Saeed Saber-Samandari, Kadhim Alamara, Samaneh Saber-Samandari, Karlis A. Gross, ‎Micro-Raman spectroscopy shows how the coating process affects the characteristics of ‎hydroxylapatite, Journal of Acta Biomaterialia, 9, (2013), 9538–95462.‎
  • Alamara K., Saber-Samandari S., Stoddart P. and Berndt C. C., “Effect of substrate ‎temperature on the splat formation of flame sprayed polypropylene”, Journal of Surface ‎and Coatings Technology, 206, (2011), 1180-1187.‎
  • Alamara K., Saber-Samandari S. and Berndt C. C., “Splat taxonomy of polymeric thermal ‎spray coating”, Journal of Surface and Coatings Technology, 205, (2011), 5028–5034 ‎
  • Alamara K., Saber-Samandari S. and Berndt C. C., “Splat formation of polypropylene ‎flame sprayed onto a flat surface”, Journal of Surface and Coatings Technology, 205 (7), ‎‎(2010), 2518-2514.‎
  • Masood, S.H., Alamara, K., “Development of scaffold building units and assembly for ‎tissue engineering using fused deposition modelling”, Journal of Advanced Materials ‎Research, Vol 83-86, (2010), 269-274.‎

Conference Papers

  • M. Kharseh, B. Yousef, K. Al amara, and A. Sakhrieh, “Predicting Market Behavior with Artificial Neural Networks: Gold Price as an Example,” in 2022 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA), 2022, pp. 287–290. (Scopus indexed)
  • M. Kharseh, K. Al Amara, F. Moutassem, W. Mhairat, and A. Sakhrieh, “Prioritize the Right Renovation Measures in Cooling-Dominated Environments,” in 2022 International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications (ICECTA), 2022, pp. 137–142. (Scopus indexed)
  • K. Al Amara, M. Kharseh and N. Jabber; "Effect of Standoff Distance on the Splat Formation of Flame Sprayed polymer onto a Mild Steel Rough Surface" 6th International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering, Nov 09-10, 2022; Dubai, UAE.
  • Chaouki Ghenai, Kadhim Alamara; “Solar assisted pyrolysis of plastic waste: pyrolysis oil characterization and grid-tied solar PV power system design”; Applied Energy Symposium and Forum, REM2018: Renewable Energy Integration with Mini/Microgrid; September 28-30, 2018; Rhodes; Greece.
  • Alamara K., Saber-Samandari S. and Berndt C. C., “Effect of substrate roughness on splat formation of thermally sprayed polymer”, International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC), 27-29 Sep 2011, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Alamara K., and Berndt C. C., “Effect of substrate chemistry on splat formation of thermally sprayed polypropylene”, Pac Rim 9, Cairns, Australia 10-14 July 2011.
  • Saber-Samandari S., Gross K., Berndt C., Rubanov S., Alamara K., Wang J. “A Morphological Study of Hydroxyapatite Splats Flame-Sprayed onto Commercially Pure Titanium”, International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) Proceedings, 3-5 May, 2010-pp 1-5, Singapore.

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