Roz-Ud-Din Nassar, Danish Saeed, Tewodros Ghebrab, Shah Room, Ahmed Deifalla & Kadhim Al Amara (2024) Heat of hydration, water sorption and microstructural characteristics of paste and mortar mixtures produced with owder waste glass. Cogent Engineering, 11:1, 2297466, DOI: 10.1080/23311916.2023.2297466.
Tirumala Uday Kumar Nutakki, Kummara Venkata Guru Raghavendra, and Kadhim Alamara (2024). Synthesis and Characterization of Mineral Based X-Ray Radiation Shielding Tile. In Advanced Radiation Shielding Materials - Radiation and Radiological Protection. Elsevier. Ch. 6, pp. 137-154.
Tirumala Uday Kumar Nutakki, Waqar Ullah Kazim, Kadhim Alamara, Tareq Salameh, Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem, “Experimental investigation on aging and energy savings evaluation of high solar reflective index (SRI) paints: A case study on residential households in the GCC region”; Buildings 13, no. 2 (2023): 419.
Tareq Salamah, Ahmad Ramahi, Kadhim Alamara, Adel Juaidi, Ramez Abdallah, Mohammad Ali Abdelkareem, El-Cheikh Amer, Abdul Ghani Olabi, “Effect of dust and methods of cleaning on the performance of solar PV module for different climate regions: Comprehensive review”; Science of The Total Environment, Volume 827, (2022), 154050
Fayez Moutassem & Kadhim Alamara, “Design and production of sustainable lightweight concrete precast sandwich panels for non-load bearing partition walls”; Cogent Engineering (2021), 8: 1993565
Chaouki Ghenai, Kadhim Alamara, Abrar Inayat; “Solar Assisted Pyrolysis of Plastic Waste: Pyrolysis oil Characterization and Grid-Tied Solar PV Power System Design”; Energy Procedia; 159 (2019) 123–129.
Mahdi Zolghadri, Saeed Saber-Samandari, Sara Ahmadi, Kadhim Alamara; Synthesis and characterization of porous cytococompatible scaffolds from polyvinyl alcohol-chitosan, Bulletin of Materials Science, (2019), 42(1):35.
S. Saber-Samandari, S. Baradaran, B. Nasiri-Tabrizi, K. Alamara and W.J. Basirun, Microstructural evolution and micromechanical properties of thermally sprayed hydroxyapatite coating, Advances In Applied Ceramics, 117 [8], (2018), 452-460.
Saeed Saber-Samandari, Saeid Baradaran, Bahman Nasiri-Tabrizi, Kadhim Alamara, Wan Jeffrey Basirun, Severe sink-in occurrence in thermally sprayed hydroxyapatite coating, journal of Processing and Application of Ceramics, 12 [2], (2018) 189–197.
Saeed Saber-Samandari, Hamed Yekta, Sara Ahmadi, Kadhim Alamara, The role of titanium dioxide on the morphology, microstructure, and bioactivity of grafted cellulose/hydroxyapatite nanocomposites for a potential application in bone repair, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 106, (2018) 481-488.
Azam Hajinasab, Saeed Saber-Samandari, Sara Ahmadi, Kadhim Alamara, Preparation and characterization of a biocompatible magnetic scaffold for biomedical engineering, Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, 204, (2017), 378-387.
Saeed Saber-Samandari, Kadhim Alamara, Samaneh Saber-Samandari, Calcium phosphate coatings: morphology, micro-structure and mechanical properties, Journal of Ceramics International, 40, (2014), 563–572.
Saeed Saber-Samandari, Kadhim Alamara, Samaneh Saber-Samandari, Karlis A. Gross, Micro-Raman spectroscopy shows how the coating process affects the characteristics of hydroxylapatite, Journal of Acta Biomaterialia, 9, (2013), 9538–95462.
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