Histological and Ultrastructural changes in placentas of pre-eclamptic patients. Sameh Fawzi El–Sonbaty, Eman Mostafa sadek, Dina Helmy Mohamed, and Rabab Ahmed Rasheed. The Egyptian journal of medical sciences Vol.31-No.1-june 2010:649- 672 (ISSN:11100540).
Effect of HCG injection on obesity and metabolism By Sameh Elsonbaty and Ashraf Kotb. Department of Physiology, and histology, October 6 university. The medical journal of Cairo university.Vol.81, No.1, September 2013
Histological and physiological effects of Diabetes on placenta of pregnant female. Sameh Fawzi and Ashraf kotb Histology and Medical Physiology departments, Faculty of Medicine October 6 university.Vol.81, No.2, September 2013
Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (M.S.C.) in Streptozotocin (STZ) induced type I diabetic rats. Sameh Elsonbaty, Ashraf kotb, and Ahmed El Demery, Histology, Physiology, and Medical Biochemistry departments, Faculty of Medicine, October 6 university. Journal of American Science (ISSN 1545-1003). 2013
Impact of Sildenafil on Smooth Muscle and Blood Vessels Ehab Abou-eladab Heba Abdal-razzak Abdel-fattah Mahmoud Hanaa abdel Kader Ibraheem Ashraf Mahmoud Kamel Sameh Fawzy Elsonbaty Faten Shehata Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, Page 1-9 DOI: 10.9734/BJMMR/2016/25678 Published: 28 June 2016
Impact of Sildenafil on Smooth Muscle and Blood Vessels by Using Light and Electron Microscopy Ehab Abou-eladab1,2*, Heba Abdal-razzak Abdel-fattah Mahmoud2,3, Hanaa abdel Kader Ibraheem4, Ashraf Mahmoud Kamel4, Sameh Fawzy Elsonbaty3 and Faten Shehata2 British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research, 16(8): 1-9, 2016, Article no.BJMMR.25678 ISSN: 2231-0614, NLM ID: 101570965, SCIENCEDOMAIN international. www.sciencedomain.org
Alteration of sciatic nerve conduction velocity in rats subjected to immobilization stress (Immobilization and nerve conduction). Sameh El–sonbaty, Hemmat Mohamed Khloussy, Ahmed Desoky Badawy, Heba Samy Shoukry, Mohamed Talal Hassan, and Abd El-Hamid Ibrahim El- Sherbini.Alazhar Med.J.vol.46(2), April,2017,413-424.
Histological study on the effect of Gentamicin on kidneys of Rats: Sameh Fawzi El- Sonbaty, M.D**, Hanaa Abdel-Kader Ibrahim, M.D*, Safinaz Salah Eldin Sayed, M.D* and Heba Abd Al-Razzak Abd Al-Fattah Mahmoud, M.S.C** Histology Department, Facultyof Medicine *Cairo University **October 6 University.
Modulatory effect of vitamin C on Gentamicin induced nephrotoxicity in male albino Rats (histological study): Sameh Fawzi El-Sonbaty, M.D**, Hanaa Abdel Kader Ibrahim, M.D*,Safinaz Salah Eldin Sayed, M.D*,and Heba Abd Al-Razzak Abd Al- Fattah Mahmoud, M.S.C** Histology Department, Faculty of Medicine* Cairo University**October 6 University.
mesenchymal stem cells versus their conditioned medium and micro-vesicles on experimentally induced acute cerebral ischemia in Albino rats: Safinaz Salah Eldin Sayed (Cairo university), Sameh Fawzi EL-Sonbaty (Emirate college of technology), Ghada Mohamed Ibrahim (October 6 university), Manal Ali Abdel-Mohsen (Cairo university). Journal of medical Histology, volume 2, number1. April 2021. https://www.researchgate.net/journal/Journal-of- Medical-Histology-2536-930X Immunohistochemical study on ACE2 (SARS-COV-2) receptors on pneumocytes type II and alveolar macrophages in the lungs using monoclonal ACE2 antibodies (in progress).
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Studying the effect of estrogen receptors on obesity in adipose tissue of humans undergoing abdominoplasty and liposuction using light, electron microscope and immunohistochemistry (in progress). ECT Internal Research Grants (2020-2021 Cycle)
Studying the histological effect of Vit C, and E in cases with hypertension with pregnancy (in progress).
Immunohistochemical study of estrogen receptors in urinary bladder and urethra of female rabbit. Sameh Fawzi El-Sonbaty, Zakaria Abdelhamid Idris, Samir said Ahmed Rashwan. Abeer Mohammad Abo El-Regal faculty of medicine Cairo university, (1999)
Immunohistochemical study of estrogen receptors in the prostate of Albino rat. Sameh Fawzi El-Sonbaty, Mohamed Ahmed Abd El-Hafez, Samir said Ahmed Rashwan. Hend Shafik Bassioni, faculty of medicine, Cairo university, (2004)
Light microscopic and Ultrastructural effects of cisplatin on liver hepatocytes inAlbino rat. Sameh Fawzi El-Sonbaty, Rabab Ahmed Rasheed El-Nagar, Mohammed Ahmed Abdel-Hafez, Mohamed Atteya. Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University-October 6 University. (2007)
Study of the cytotoxic effects of insecticides on hepatocytes by light and electron microscope Sameh Fawzi EL-Sonbaty, Lubna Jameel, Mohammed Abd El-hafez, Dina Mohamed Radwan. Faculty of Medicine, October 6 University (2007).
Histological and Ultrastructural Changes in Placenta of Pre-eclamptic Patients Sameh Fawzy El-Sonbaty, Rabab Ahmed Rasheed Ahmed El-Nagar, Eman Mostafa Sadek, Dina Helmy Mohamed. Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University - October6 University (2011).
Histological Study on the Effect of Atorvastatin in Treatment of Experimentally Induced Liver Steatosis in Adult Male Albino Rats. Sameh Fawzi Gad EL-Sonbaty, Lubna Jameel, Mohammed Abd El-Hafez, Dina Mohamed Radwan. Cairo University- October 6 University Faculty of Medicine (2012)
Studying the Effect of Sildenafil on Smooth Muscle and Blood Vessels by Using Light and Electron Microscopy Sameh Fawzi EL-Sonbaty, Heba Abd Al-Razzak Abd Al-Fattah Mahmoud, Hanaa Abd El-Kader Ibraheem, Ashraf Mahmoud Kamel, Faculty of Medicine–Cairo University–October 6 University. (2012).
Studying the Effect of Vitamin C On gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats by Using Light and Electron Microscopy Sameh Fawzi EL-Sonbaty, Heba Abd Al-Razzak Abd Al-Fattah Mahmoud, Hanaa Abd El-Kader Ibraheem, Safinaz Salah Eldin Sayed, Faculty of Medicine–Cairo University–October 6 University. (2012)
Alteration of sciatic nerve conduction velocity in rats subjected to immobilization stress (Immobilization and nerve conduction) Sameh El-sonbaty, Hemmat Mohamed Khloussy, Ahmed Desoky Badawy, Heba Samy Shoukry, Mohamed Talal Hassan, and Abd El-Hamid Ibrahim El-Sherbini Facultyof Medicine–Cairo University–October 6 University. (2017).
A histological study on the effect of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells versus their conditioned medium in acute ischemic stroke in adult albino rats. Sameh Fawzi EL-Sonbaty, Ghada Mohamed Ibrahim, Manal Ali Abdel-Mohsen, Safinaz Salah Eldin Sayed, Faculty of Medicine–Cairo University–October 6 University. (2018).