
Questions Related to Exams

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Frequently Asked Questions

When will I be informed about the final exams and timetables?

The exam dates, project deadlines, and timetables will be communicated at the beginning of every semester by the instructor of the course.  In addition, you will receive a brochure that includes the Academic Calendar and all important dates.  The timetable of final exams will be circulated two weeks before the start date listed in the Academic Calendar.

What should I do if I have two exams at the same time on the exam timetable?

Inform the Student Affairs Office to complete the form.

Where can I get a formal letter detailing the exam dates for my employer?

From the Registration Office

In the case of an emergency that prevents me from taking an exam as scheduled, such as sudden travel, a health problem, or an accident, what should I do?

Inform the Student Affairs Office as soon as possible and complete the ‘Incomplete Exam Form’ so you can take the exam later. You must submit the relevant documents supporting the absence if:

  • Medical-related (Certified medical report)
  • A family member has passed away
  • There is an accident, fire, etc.
  • Any incident related to a sandstorm, fog, etc.

What should I do if I want to dispute the result of an exam?

You have the right to dispute the result of the final exam only and this must be done within the time period detailed in the Academic Calendar. You must complete a complaint  form and submit it to the Student Affairs Office, who will follow the appropriate procedures and inform you of the outcome.

What will happen if I cheat during an exam?

You will be dismissed from the exam room and the proctor will submit a report on the incident.  The Disciplinary Committee will review the case and take a decision as follows:

  • You will be given an F in the course, in addition to a written warning, a copy of which will be kept in your file
  • If such an incident is repeated, you will be dismissed from LC and all the warnings will remain in your file

What is considered cheating?

Cheating means an attempt to get information in illegal and immoral ways. Cheating includes:

  • Getting an answer or answers from a classmate
  • Passing or trying to pass information among students
  • Using any means that helps to store or pass information among students, such as slips of papers, calculators, digital watches, and mobile devices
  • Having any prohibited resources during an exam
  • Using, buying, or stealing exam questions, homework, and projects
  • Copying other students’ homework and projects
  • Using summaries or handouts during an exam
  • Allowing another person to impersonate you in an exam

What is meant by plagiarism?

Plagiarism means using the work of others without making reference to the original resources and names of the authors. Even where the original material is properly cited, you are not allowed to copy more than 10% of any assignment.

Examples of plagiarism

  • To present work carried out by others without referring to them
  • To present the work of others as your own, including homework, projects, and research