Undergraduate Program

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
Program Title: Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
Credit Hours: 133
Award Granted on Completion: Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
Delivery Mode:  Face-To-Face
Local Accreditation Status:  Commission for Academic Accreditation, UAE (CAA)
Language of Study: English
Duration: 4 Years
Campus: Abu Dhabi
Faculty Info: Faculty of Engineering and Computing
Chairperson: Dr. Mahmoud Mistarihi (Associate Professor)

About the Program

The Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering is concerned with designing, developing, installing, and operating integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. Drawing upon specific knowledge and skills in mathematics, physics, social sciences, and engineering, the program will prepare you to optimize complex processes and systems, saving time, money, materials, and energy across various industries.

Program Education Objectives

  • Provide the appropriate competencies in the field of industrial engineering, a capability for critical thinking, creative problem solving, and innovative decision-making processes
  • Promote awareness of concepts, tools, and methodologies relevant to the field of industrial engineering based on a sense of community service, teamwork, responsibility, and strong ethics.
  • Develop a professional approach related to industrial engineering projects.
  • Prepare students to serve in industrial engineering positions in private and public organizations.

Student Outcomes

  • 1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex industrial engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  • 2. An ability to apply industrial engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  • 3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  • 4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  • 5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  • 6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze, and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  • 7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Career Opportunities

After completing the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, numerous career opportunities are available to you. Here are some of the positions previous graduates of the program have secured.

  • Design Engineer
  • Maintenance Engineer
  • Operations/Systems Engineer
  • Engineering Manager
  • Supply Chain Manager

Program Curriculum

General Requirements (33 Credit Hours)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite
CIT100 Introduction to Information Technology 3 None
ENG100 English I 3 None



Communication Skills in Arabic/ Communication Skills in Arabic for non-Arabic speakers 3 None
GEN102 Islamic Culture (Arabic/English) 3 None
GEN105 Emirates Culture and Society 3 None
ENG104 English II 3 ENG100
GEN103 Logic and Critical Thinking 3 ENG100
GEN201 Psychology 3 ENG104
GEN302 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3 ENG104
GEN304 Ethics 3 ENG104
MTH110 Calculus I 3  

Core Requirements (51 Credit Hours)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite
CHEM100 General Chemistry 3  
CHEM101 General Chemistry Lab 1 CHEM100 (Pre/Co-requisite)
BAS200 Physics I 3 MATH110 (Pre/Co-requisite)
BAS201 Physics Lab I 1 BAS200 (Pre/Co-requisite)
BAS210 Physics II 3 BAS200
BAS211 Physics Lab II 1 BAS210 (Pre/Co-requisite)
MTH120 Calculus II 3 MTH110
MTH200 Multivariate Calculus 3 MTH120
MTH210 Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms 3 MTH120
MTH220 Numerical Methods and Matrices 3 MTH110
MTH230 Probability and Statistics 3 MTH110
ENGR101 Introduction to Engineering 1  
ENGR102 Interdisciplinary Engineering Design and Artificial Intelligence 2 ENGR 101 (Pre/Co-requisite)
ENGR120 Engineering Materials 3 CHEM100
ENGR135 Computer Aided Drawing 2  
ENGR140 Statics 3 BAS200
ENGR200 Applied Electrical Circuits 3 BAS210
ENGR201 Applied Electrical Circuits Lab 1 ENGR200 (Co-requisite)
ENGR220 Problem-Solving Using MATLAB 3 MTH220
ENGR240 Engineering Economy 3 MTH110
ENGR400 Internship 3 *Senior Standing

Major Requirements (40 Credit Hours)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite
IDE210 Lean Work Design 3 MTH230
IDE305 Operations Management 3 IDE210
IDE310 Control Systems Engineering 2 ENGR200
IDE320 Engineering Statistics – Statistical inferenced and regression 3 MTH230
IDE330 Ergonomics 3 IDE210
IDE331 Ergonomics Lab 1 IDE330 (Co-requisite)
IDE340 Production Planning and Control 3 IDE305
IDE350 Systems Modeling and Simulation 3 IDE305, IDE320
IDE370 Manufacturing Engineering and Industry 4.0 3 ENGR120, ENGR200
IDE400 Supply Chain Management 3 IDE340
IDE410 Operations Research I 3 IDE305
IDE420 Facility Planning 3 IDE305
IDE450 Quality Engineering 3 IDE320
IDE490 Senior Design Project I 2 *Senior Standing
IDE491 Senior Design Project II 2 IDE490

Major Electives Requirements (9 Credit Hours)

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Prerequisite
IDE455 Project Management 3 IDE305
IDE465 Industrial Robotics 3 IDE370
IDE470 Maintenance Management 3 MTH230, *Sr. Standing
IDE475 Cost Accounting and Analysis 3 ENGR240
IDE480 Operations Research II 3 IDE445
IDE485 Decision Analysis 3 IDE350
IDE495 Special topics for industrial engineering 3 *Sr. Standing

Study Plans

Semester 1 CH Semester 2 CH
YEAR 1 (31 CH)
ENGR101 Introduction to Engineering 1 CHEM100 General Chemistry 3
ENGR102 Interdisciplinary Engineering Design and Artificial Intelligence 2 CHEM101 General Chemistry Lab 1
MTH110 Calculus I 3 MTH120 Calculus II 3
CIT100 Introduction to Information Technology 3 ENGR135 Computer Aided Drawing 2
ENG100 English I 3 ENG104 English II 3
BAS200 Physics I 3 GEN102 Islamic Culture 3
BAS201 Physics Lab I 1      
Total 16   Total 15
YEAR 2 (32 CH)
MTH200 Multivariate Calculus 3 ENGR200 Applied Electrical Circuits 3
BAS210 Physics II 3 ENGR201 Applied Electrical Circuits Lab 1
BAS211 Physics Lab II 1 MTH210 Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms 3
ENGR140 Statics 3 IDE210 Lean Work Design 3
MTH230 Probability and Statistics 3 GEN201 Psychology 3
ENGR240 Engineering Economy 3 ENGR120 Engineering Materials 3
Total 16   Total 16
YEAR 3 (33 CH)
MTH220 Numerical Methods and Matrices 3 ENGR220 Problem-Solving Using MATLAB 3
IDE305 Operations Management 3 IDE340 Production Planning and Control 3
IDE320 Engineering Statistics – Statistical inferenced and regression 3 IDE350 Systems Modeling and Simulation 3
IDE330 Ergonomics 3 IDE370 Manufacturing Engineering and Industry 4.0 3
IDE331 Ergonomics Lab 1 IDE310 Control Systems Engineering 2
GEN304 Ethics 3 GEN100/GEN101 Communication Skills in Arabic/ Communication Skills in Arabic for non-Arabic speakers 3
Total 16   Total 17
Summer           ENGR400         Internship – Part 1 (8 Weeks)  3 credit hours
YEAR 4 (34 CH)
IDE450 Quality Engineering 3 IDE400 Supply Chain Management 3
IDE410 Operations Research I 3 IDE420 Facility Planning 3
IDE490 Senior Design Project I 2 GEN105 Emirates Culture and Society 3
GEN302 Fundamentals of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3 IDE491 Senior Design Project II 2
  Industrial Engineering Major Elective I 3   Industrial Engineering Major Elective II 3
GEN103 Logic and Critical Thinking 3   Industrial Engineering Major Elective III 3
Total 17   Total 17
Summer           ENGR400         Internship – Part 2 (8 Weeks)  0 credit hours

Admission Requirements

Liwa College offers Bachelor’s programs that are accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR) in the UAE and are designed in collaboration with our strategic partners across all industries. Our curricula as well as teaching and learning methods follow a practical approach whereby students get to test theories and develop skills that bridge the gap between academia and the labor market needs.

LC Admission requirements

Tuition Fees

The College sets out clear and consistent information about its fees and financial policies. The Policy is established in compliance with the requirements of the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA) and relevant Directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR).

Admission Tuition Fees – 2023/2024

We don't just give students an education and experiences that set them up for career success – we help them discover and lead in a field they're passionate about.